Earth has been constantly changing due to the ongoing activities from thousands of years of mankind, living on earth. Human race which constantly produces and sets sails for new targets constantly consumes and gives a shape to the habitat which he interacts with. The wastes which are the final results of our chains of production and consumption are the most important parts of the interaction with environment and they have predominance day by day as a huge problem. Our habitats are polluted every day and by dumping millions of tons of wastes into the nature, our habitats are polluted and the natural life is endangered. Today, “sanitary landfill method” which is determined as a result of the pollution issue is an obligation for Turkey just like all other countries on the globe. By this system, we can stop and prevent our wastes from damaging the environment and the adverse affects thereof reflected to our lives are eliminated thereby. The European Union Solid Wastes Sanitary Landfill Directive was (AB,1999) adopted relating to the storage of the solid wastes;.

Directive; sets forth strict targets such as selection of regular sites (landfill site) for storage, design, impermeability, operation, inspection and rehabilitation in this regard. As per this directive, the available storage areas within the European Union member states must be improved until 2009 in such a way that it maintains harmony with the sanitary landfill standards and they should be improved/shut down. We, as Polikay Waste Management; with our experience in the field and our specialized teams of personnel strive to carry out the waste management projects of our municipalities and endeavor to leave tomorrow a clean environment and future and offer the municipalities solution partnerships. We constantly cause solid wastes in our homes, offices, factories and cities while we continue our lives. These wastes need to be disposed of or recycled in order to prevent them damage the environment and the world in global terms. At the sites of the uncontrolled dumping/hazardous waste storage (which means disposal of the garbage in uncontrolled manner), the wastes displace at lot of land and cause pollution of environment. The methane gas arising at such dumping sites bears the risk of fire and explosion. The waters emitted and leaked from such waste disposal sites also pollute the potable water resources. Also areas suitable for reproduction of hazardous organisms form in such areas. The same harmful living things carry microbes and diseases from the garbage sites to the cities. The most economic method for disposing of the solid wastes without damaging the environment is sanitary land filling and it is the final point reach in contemporary urban approaches. Points such as selection of the areas of disposal, preparing the sites, stages of disposal of wastes, climate, environment, urban development and means of transportation are considered in this regard.